
Eye Muscle Problems in Children and Adults:
A Guide to Understandig
By Burton J. Kushner, MD

Burton Kushner: For many years I have felt the best written material on strabismus for patients and parents was the booklet by Windsor and Hurtt (1974). When in went out of print and they opted to not update it, I obtained copyright of it from them. I have rewritten/updated it and have decided to make it available to anyone wanting it as a free download from the web.

Moreover, feel free to direct any patients to it you feel may benefit from it.

Walking Hats
Walking hats and other anecdotes related to retinitis in PDF document format.

Retina Finland
One of the oldest RP Societies in the world (1973).

WHO/PBL/03.91 contains information on measurement of visual acuity for population based surveys.

Macula Lutea
The "Macula Lutea", is a list of nearly all URLs related to visual impairment.

Good information in video "SEE YOU..!".

The Organisation of the Retina and Visual System

Low Vision Research
VISION RESEARCH at the Appalachian Center for Vision Rehabilitation and West Virginia University Eye Institute

The Lighthouse Inc., New York, NY
A friendly, accessible, interactive global Internet portal

The Achromatopsia Network
An information and support network

American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus

Division of Rehabilitation Engineering Research in the Department of Design Sciences at Lund University, Sweden

Scottish Sensory Centre

Promoting social inclusion of pupils with visual impairment in mainstream schools in Scotland

Berufsverband der Orthoptistinnen Deutschlands

Alaska Blind Child Discovery - References

Suomeksi (In Finnish)

Lea Hyvärisen vanha näkösivu

Helsingin Yliopiston "Brain Cource" - Näköaisti

kotisivuilta löydät tietoa diabeteksesta suomeksi

Yleistietoa näkemisestä ja näkövammaisuudesta
Näkövammaisten Keskusliitto ry.

"Puheenpesä on yksityinen puheterapiavastaanottoni Helsingissä. Perustyötäni on yksilöpuheterapia. Sen ohella teen pienimuotoisesti puheterapiakonsultaatioita ja vanhempainohjausta sekä luennoin ammattihenkilöstölle. Puheterapeuttikollegoja konsultoin näkövammaisten ja näkömonivammaisten lasten kommunikointitaitojen kuntoutuksesta. "

På svenska (In Swedish)

Lea Hyvärinens gamla hemsida