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LH:s articles:

Contrast sensitivity
Contrast sensitivity function in evaluation of visual impairment due to retinitis pigmentosa
Contrast sensitivity in amblyopia
Contrast sensitivity in evaluation of visual impairment due to diabetes
Contrast sensitivity in evaluation of visual impairment due to macular degeneration and optic nerve lesions
Contrast sensitivity in monocular glaucoma
Contrast sensitivity on visually impaired children
Kontrastempfindlichkeit bei Degenerationen der Macula und des Nervus opticus
Development of vision
Acta ophthalmologica - early visual development
Early stimulation of visually impaired infants
Higher functions and plasticity in visual pathways
La visión normal y anormal en los niños
Modification of visualfunctions of the parietal lobe at early age in the monkey
Classification of visual impairment and disability - Rehabilitation
Classification of visual impairment and disability
Rehabilitation and world blindness
Vem är dövblind
Vision and eye screening in Finland an overview
Visual rehabilitation after long lasting early blindness
Fluorescein Angiography
Benign chorioretinal folds
Evaluation of filters for fluorescein angiography
Filter systems in fluorescein angiography
Fluorescein and indocyanine green fluorescence angiography in study of affected males and in female carriers with choroidermia
Fluorescein angiographic fidings in presumed histoplasmosis
Fluorescein angiography of the choriocapillaris
Indocyanine green fluorescence angiography
Interpretation of choroidal fluorescence

Topographic instability of spatial vision as a cause of dyslectic disorder: a case study

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